- アフガニスタン空爆中止{くうばく ちゅうし}を呼び掛ける
call for a halt to the air campaign against afghanistan 意味
- "call for a further monetary easing by the bank of japan" 意味
- "call for a general policy of prevention" 意味
- "call for a halt in violence" 意味
- "call for a halt to a tendency to" 意味
- "call for a halt to military action" 意味
- "call for a halt to the bombing" 意味
- "call for a handicap adjustment with" 意味
- "call for a high ethical level in politics" 意味
- "call for a meeting" 意味
- "call for a halt to a tendency to" 意味
- "call for a halt to military action" 意味
- "call for a halt to the bombing" 意味
- "call for a handicap adjustment with" 意味